Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholder Engagement

  • Stakeholders
  • Clients
  • Suppliers
  • Consumers
  • Employees


  • Stakeholders

      Fight for shareholder rights

  • Clients

      Uphold business agreements

  • Suppliers

      Community cooperation

  • Consumers

      Value feedback and suggestions

  • Employees

      Protect and guarantee employee rights


Shareholder rights and investor relations:
1. Hold an annual shareholder meeting, regularly provide board of directors with report of audit results, and monthly operation performance announcements.
2. Set up a public disclosure area to provide financial statements, annual reports, corporate governance and other information on the company’s website.
3. The investor area of the company's website must have a question and answer window for shareholders, and provide telephone and e-mail message services.
4. Take occasional appointments with institutional investors.

Contact Info

Spokesperson Executive Director - Alex Wu
Company Address 13F, No.230, Sec.3, Chengde Rd., Datong District, Taipei City 103
Company Telephone 886-2-25922860 # 1220
Contact Email
Stock Agent CTBC Corporate Service
Contact Telephone Number 886-2-6636-5566
Contact Address  


We are committed to provide high-quality services to improve customer satisfaction and to continuously improve the quality management system. Strengthen customer service, and quickly and effectively solve the reasonable needs raised by them, and take appropriate countermeasures to improve customer satisfaction with the company.
To fulfill the above commitment, we have implemented the following policies:

1. Continue research and development of manufacturing technologies and strict quality control.
2. Continue to reduce costs, increase productivity, and improve product quality.
3. Be customer-oriented and improve customer satisfaction.
4. Bring together suppliers, subcontractors, and clients. Introduce a customer-oriented quality management system.
5. Conduct a client satisfaction survey in October of every year. The survey subjects will come from the top 5 sales channels. The army, civil service, and education channel clients will count as one group.
6. Aim to improve the supply situation—the excess supply of new and old products. When making the annual plan, the Sales Department and Marketing Department will work together to make improvements.

Contact Info

Contact Taiwan Sales Division Director -Peter Liao
Company Address 13F, No.230, Sec.3, Chengde Rd., Datong District, Taipei City 103
Company Telephone 886-2-25922860 #1118
Company FAX 886-2-2587-3705
Contact Email


Farcent Enterprise has always upheld the principles of integrity and fairness. We choose only to work with suppliers that provide excellent product and service quality, fair prices, reasonable handover time, and outstanding after-sales services. In addition to the aforementioned qualities, Farcent Enterprise and our subsidiaries expect our suppliers to also practice good corporate social responsibility. Suppliers must be in compliance with all local regulations. Additionally, suppliers’ production output and factories must not cause any environmental pollution or public safety issues. If a supplier is found to be in violation of any of the aforementioned, Farcent Enterprise will terminate the partnership. This is part of our own corporate social responsibility promise. We understand the importance of our suppliers to our own operations. We hope to establish long-term partnerships so that we may grow together.

Contact Info

Contact Procurement Manager- Elf Leu
Company Address 13F, No.230, Sec.3, Chengde Rd., Datong District, Taipei City 103
Company Telephone (02) 2592-2860#1321
Company FAX (02) 2587-3705
Contact Email


Consumers are important to us. Whether it’s through consumer satisfaction surveys, complaints, or other means, we highly value consumer feedback. We have set up a toll-free 0800 service line for consumers so that a specialist can immediately understand and respond to customers questions and suggestions. Consumers can also visit the Frequently Asked Questions section on our official website or leave a message for one of our specialists. We take into account consumer feedback when improving our products. Our goal is to increase interactions with consumers by sharing new products and useful tips social media, as well as provide consumers with more immediate and useful information.

Contact Info

Contact Consumers Service
Company Address 13F, No.230, Sec.3, Chengde Rd., Datong District, Taipei City 103
Company Telephone 0800-021-771
Contact Email


Farcent Enterprise makes employee welfare a top priority. Our goal is to provide employees with a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable working environment. We provide all employees with equal education and training, as well as plentiful opportunity for career growth. We firmly believe that only by offering competitive salaries and benefits can we attract the best talent.

We offer competitive salaries and benefits. Employee training and development are important to us; therefore, we provide a clear-cut blueprint for career growth. We have dedicated resources to training our employees. Starting on day one, employees are trained in the company’s policies, corporate social responsibility concept, and other related policies. Additionally, employees are trained based on their individual roles.

Contact Info

Contact HR Manager- Joyce Ou
Company Address 13F, No.230, Sec.3, Chengde Rd., Datong District, Taipei City 103
Company Telephone 2592-2860 #1210
Company FAX (02) 2587-3705
Contact Email